Sunday, May 3, 2009

the Last Bisianumu Bushwalk

Good times… good times.

Some time ago, I recalled sitting up on the Rock of Knowledge, a place where only men sat and drank warm Californian white wine, and dined out on 14 year old ration packs from a Gulf War between the US, Kuwait and the Kurds.

Good times… good times.

I can recall a dear friend of mine from the Southern Highlands who swam in the waterfall behind the Rock of Knowledge, he himself recalling days of yore in the mountains of New Guinea swimming in the cool water of the mountains.

Good times… good times.

And there was that moment where a good friend of mine ventured up from down Mexico way and we spent a warm Moresby morning with Wilson heading out the waterfall behind the Rock of Knowledge and we swam in its cool waters.

Good times… good times.

And then there was today. A fine group of new friends and old (ahem?) friends wandered past the croc inhabited swamp, under the boughs of the Rubber Trees, across the Marson Matting, and down to the waterfall behind the Rock of Knowledge. There we swam and relaxed and reflected and then we wandered back.

Good times… good times.

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